Claremont News 2019

The Undercroft of Fountains Abbey lit for Carols by Candlelight

May you all have a Peaceful and Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year.

Again this year we are sending our Christmas news and greetings by email and internet.

What a year has just passed. In the wider world a new government was elected to Westminster whilst we are celebrating the one on whose shoulders the eternal government rests. So as we remember that Jesus Christ is the Wonderful Counsellor, and the Prince of Peace, may the 20th year of the new millennium give us the time, space and generosity to reflect His qualities to those in the world around us through acts of kindness and goodwill.

There follows a summary of some of the things we have been up to in the past year, anticipating more good things to come in the future.

God bless you all, Barrie and Joan

Click below for the news pages

Three Score Years + 10
The Next Generation
Damp work
Marathon Month
Tenby and Coniston
Office Clearout
Street Parties