1 Seek the Lord while he may be found, •
call upon him while he is near;
2 Let the wicked abandon their ways, •
and the unrighteous their thoughts;
3 Return to the Lord, who will have mercy; •
to our God, who will richly pardon.
4 ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, •
neither are your ways my ways,’ says the Lord.
5 ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, •
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
6 ‘As the rain and the snow come down from above, •
and return not again but water the earth,
7 ‘Bringing forth life and giving growth, •
seed for sowing and bread to eat,
8 ‘So is my word that goes forth from my mouth; •
it will not return to me fruitless,
9 ‘But it will accomplish that which I purpose, •
and succeed in the task I gave it.’