Saturday 12thDecember
A big thank youto all those who have volunteered to help!
This Saturday’sevent promises to be a really interesting affair – and all free to boot! Unlike the St Nicholas Fayre which wasdirected toward the visitors coming to shop in York, “Thank God …” is directedto the York community itself – a far more laid back affair, and yet in it’s ownway, quite a witness to the people of this city whom we serve.
On the musicfront, we have booked –
CASSOCK: Resurrecting tradition – this is anew University choral group who will be singing a variety of Carols intraditional format. They will have twosets between 11.30am -12.00 and 1.00pm – 1.30pm
THE SMB HOUSE BAND – this is a group of St Mike’sbest contemporary musicians who will be playing a mixture of jazz/blues andcontemporary Christian music. They willbe playing between 12.15pm – 1.15pmand 1.45pm – 2.15pm
PETE SIMPSON – SINGER/SONGWRITER Pete Simpson willbe playing a solo guitar set comprising his own material and some well knownsongs in his own unique style. He will be performing between 2.30pm – 3.15pm
THE YORKCITY GOSPEL CHOIR -what more can be said that hasn’t been said before! You can hear them between 3.30pm – 4.15pm
In between eachmusical performance we have invited different people to give a reading onsomething that reflects their faith or Christmas – the readings may be fromScripture, Dickens or even a piece of their favourite poetry. Each reading will be about five minutes long.
Finally theCaf?? will be open between 10.30amand 4.30pm, so please – ifyou are in town, do drop in, with friends, and support this very special event! We look forward to seeing you sometime duringthe day!
If you’re in town this Saturday pop in and enjoy the musical treats