Duke Special and Tony Hart

Tony Hart

Tony Hart

Sad news about the death of Tony Hart. As a kid it never entered my mind to enter a picture for his gallery – let along to imagine seeing it on the telly accompanied by this familair piece of music “Left Bank Two”  BBC NEWS | Magazine | A bit of vibraphone nostalgia

And now he’s gone, taking with him a gentler age of children’s TV shows, although he still had his fans among people much younger than my notalgic age.

I was at the Duke Special gig at The Duchess in York on Saturday. Pete Wilson was promoting his Album Cover Art Competition which was to be judged by no less than Tony Hart. Apparently he gave a moving tribute to Tony Hart at his gig in London on Monday.

The Duke Special gig in York was musically excellent but visually demanding. The low stage and good crowd hid the musicians from view for most of the evening unless you were very close to the front.

Later, Pete moved into the audience and sang at the piano on the audience floor. Very intimate. Good musicians don’t need to stage full of gear to make a good sound. The place resounded with all the fun of a pub singalong. The backing singers were excellent too!

Thanks to Luke for unplugging the cooling fan so that Pete could hear himself sing. It gave a whole new meaning to Duke Special Unplugged.

Thea Gilmore – UK – Acoustic / Indie / Rock – www.myspace.com/theagilmore

I thoroughly enjoyed the Thea Gilmore gig at The Duchess in York last night. The performance was simple and sincere. I’ve listened to her music for years and have most of her albums but she was even better live.
The Duchess is an intimate venue and the audience was surprisingly small – even for a cold Sunday evening in York. But Thea’s performance was warm and engaging, supported by her producer and husband Nigel Stonier and Fluff (viola, vocals and guitar).
As long as Thea performs, the spirit of Joan Baez and the folk tradition of social comment and protest will live on.

MySpace.com – Thea Gilmore – UK – Acoustic / Indie / Rock – www.myspace.com/theagilmore

Shoot experience: Shoot Spitalfields gallery: TIME

Shoot experience: Shoot Spitalfields gallery: TIME

Wes and I took part in this photography treasure hunt in London last weekend. We had fun, took lots of pictures and won a prize. See if you can spot our pictures among the many.

What would you ask?


The Alpha Course

The Alpha Course

I am deep into organising a couple of launch events for The Alpha Course in York – hence the low activity on this blog recently. 


The first is on Saturday at Kit Kat Crescent the home of York City FC. Alpha is sponsoring the match which is preceded by a lunch for invited guests. There still tickets available for anyone who wants to bring a friend to hear about The Alpha Course. £20.00 all inclusive – meal and match which this weekend is against Salisbury City. Available from The Parish Centre of St Michael le Belfrey, York. 01904 624190.

The second is at York City Screen at 7.15pm on Tuesday 23rd September. Refreshements, a York City Gospel Choir, some films and a short talk. Tickets £6.00

The Alpha Course is a ten week course to explore the Christian Faith in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Meal, talk and discussion. The course at St Michael le Belfrey starts on Weds October 1st 2008 at 7.15pm. To book click here

If you could ask God any question what would it be?

The beat of the end of the world

Today people are talking about the end of the world. The Large Hadron Collider is the cause. So what’s it all about? Well those nice people at CERN do seem to be very media aware and they’ve made a RAP video and posted it on YouTube. So wise up and boogy on down