Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for September 4th from 09:30 to 09:30:

  • – Peter Rollins of Ikon in Belfast. Always popular at Greenbelt – long queues outside the venue where he's speaking.

Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for July 13th from 13:36 to 13:36:

  • BBC Trust considering non-religious Thought for the Day – Isn't most of the BBCs output non-religious? Do they now want to rid us a bit more faith. Colin Morris, a former Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC said that Thought for the Day was to "Lift our eyes from the mundane to the transcendent" – It seems we are doomed to more "eyes down". Hopeless.

Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for July 1st from 09:44 to 23:12:

Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for June 24th from 00:09 to 00:09:

  • BBC – Viewfinder: No more bright sunny days – The end of Kodachrome – a sad day. In this blog entry Phil Coombes captures something of the magic of using 35mm film – now all but lost in the millions of pixels captured with every shot.