Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for June 18th from 07:58 to 07:58:

Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for June 2nd from 15:00 to 16:36:

Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for May 29th from 07:06 to 07:06:

  • BBC – BBC Internet Blog: Microblogging the Editorial Policy Meeting – Interesting blog about a BBC Editorial Policy meeting about Twitter. I love Rory Cellan-Jones description of the Ed Pol meeting ….
    Also – typically small minded comments on the blog from people who don't get Twitter, don't want to and definitely don't want anyone else to get it. And if you've already got it you should stop it.

Ahhh – Dinky Toys

These are, apparently, “always toys for boys”. I remember eagerly anticipating a blue tractor and plough and bursting into tears when I found it was out of stock at the only local stockist.

Jon Snow also has fond memories of these model cars – recalled in his blog

Latest delicious thoughts

delicious thoughts for May 27th from 08:04 to 10:58: