Are those really hills?


Originally uploaded by Dawnriser

This is the contour graph of the ride I am making in the Yorkshire Dales. Total climb = 8678 feet that’s 2645 meters. So you can see it’s no picnic – much more challenging than my usual rides around York.
I’ve been to Cycle Heaven today to obtain some kit for the journey. Top of the list – a new saddle. The Brooks B17 is the classic leather saddle. When I bought it the salesman said – that’s a choice for life. They don’t wear out and over time take a personal shape that matches your “sit bones”. I also selected new panniers and an extra pair of padded shorts.
So all that’s left is the stamina – O and your donation: – even if you have no intention of giving just go and look at the rising total …..

The Map


The Map

Originally uploaded by Dawnriser

This is the map I’ll be using when I ride the Yorkshire Dales Cycleway on July 7th/8th. It’s all for charity – I’m raising funds to bring five Palestinian Christians to the UK for the Riding Lights Summer School.
To donate click on
The total is rising nicely and I hope to reach my target before setting off for Grassington to start the ride. If I do, each mile will be worth £15.00
Thanks if you are one of those who’s contributed to the total.

Twenty one miles

At the end of the ride the bike computer reads 21 miles, further than I had intended to ride. It’s a good exercise though and my perception is that in this intensive series of rides I am riding one gear higher as a result. My average speed has increased from 14.5 to 15.5 mph too.

So in the past week I’ve cycled 121 miles and the fundraising total on the page is £640 with another £90.00 pledged offline. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.

If you haven’t clicked to sponsor me here’s the link



Originally uploaded by Dawnriser

I’m travelling a little slower here than Dickie Hammond did at this location. This is the airfield where he broke the land speed survival record.
I’m just passing 10 miles into this morning’s ride. I wish I had time
to explore the Air Museum but I must press on.

Holtby starts training ride of week

Another Monday and only one more to go before the big ride starts on
July 7th.
Just a short route this morning. More stories to record at lunchtime.
This is Holtby to the east of York. It’s very quiet this morning. Even my
bike seems to intrude into the peace.

There will be an update about the Palestinian students later.

Keep sponsoring me please