Home for dinner

I resisted the temptation to ride too far – despite the sunshine. Tonight’s training was 21.6 miles.

I’ve been looking at the maps to take note of the route of the Yorkshire Dales Cycleway, but see I need the Yorkshire Dales Western Area map too. I bought a specialist map of the route from Harvey’s. It’s not too impressive. The route of the cycleway is marked on the OS Outdoor Leisure maps so I’ll probably use those on my ride.

I’ve booked a B&B in Hawes for the overnight stay all I need now is a praking place in Grassington.

Friday evening training

Friday evening training

Originally uploaded by Dawnriser

Storytelling is over for another week and I’m snatching a few miles
before dinner. It’s a fabulous evening and I’ll be tempted to go too
far. We’ll see.

Haxby crossing closed

Haxby crossing closed

Originally uploaded by Dawnriser

The barriers are down as I approach Haxby level crossing. These kids
are on their way to Joseph Rowntree School. It’s about 8.30am.
A few miles home from here and I’ll have done about 14 miles. Enough
training for today.

Travellers caravans near Haxby


Travellers caravans near Haxby

Originally uploaded by Dawnriser

I spotted these vans as I approached the lay by where they were
parked. They were fastened up with no sign of life so I risked
stopping for a photo. I’d just snapped this picture when I heard dogs
barking so I beat a hasty retreat towards Haxby.
The training run ran on adreniline for a few hundred yards until the
yapping died away.

No by pass for training today

No by pass for training today

Originally uploaded by Dawnriser

Just time for a short ride this morning so I’m heading out towards
Stockton (on the Forest not Tees) this my usual stop to stretch my
tight muscles before circling the city to Haxby or Skelton.

This is all for a sponsored ride to raise money for Palestinian
students coming to the Riding Lights Summer School. Link for donations